Before making any changes to Metacat’s properties files, it is highly recommended that you first read Properties Overview, for a detailed overview of how properties are used and updated in Metacat.
In summary:
Metacat’s configuration settings are located in two files: a large, non-editable file, containing the default values for every single property recognized by Metacat, and a smaller, editable file, containing only the values that need to be changed to override the defaults.
More-dynamic settings (such as authorization and database connection values) are managed with the Metacat Configuration utility (see Configuring Metacat). Whenever these settings are changed from their defaults, the new values are automatically saved to
More-static settings, which cannot be set via the Configuration utility, may also be changed in the file, either by editing existing property entries, or by adding them there if they do not already exist. Note that should not be edited.
The default location for the file is
, but note that this location may have been
changed via the Metacat Configuration utility. See Properties Overview for
more details.
All of Metacat’s server properties are managed with the form-based configuration utility,
though they can also be accessed directly by editing the
More information on each is included below.
Property |
Description |
Example |
---|---|---| |
The network host name used to access Metacat. Note that this is not necessarily the physical name of the server running Metacat. The host name should not include the protocol prefix (http://). Default Value: localhost | |
server.port |
The network port used to access Metacat for connections. This can be either an https port, such as 443, or an http port, such as 80. Default Value: 443 |
443 |
server.https |
To indicate the server port is an https one or an http one. True means an https port; false means an http port. Default Value: true |
true |
server.internalName |
The internal network host name used to access Metacat. It is used to improve performance since it bypasses the external network interface to directly access files, e.g. schema and style sheet files located within Metacat itself. The host name should not include the protocol prefix (http://). Default Value: localhost |
localhost |
server.internalPort |
The network port used to access Metacat for the internal server name. This is usually 80 if Apache Web server is running, and 8080 if Tomcat is running alone. Default Value: 80 |
80 |
Metacat’s application properties are described below. Properties that can only
be edited manually in the
file are marked with an asterisk (*). All
others are managed with the properties configuration utility.
Property |
Description |
Example |
application.metacatVersion* |
The Metacat version number. It is set by the build engineer at build time. Usually, the value should never be changed. Default Value: X.X.X (where X.X.X is the current version of Metacat) |
3.0.0 |
application.metacatReleaseInfo* |
Release information for display purposes. Typically the property is set during the release candidate cycle to let users know which candidate they are downloading. |
Release Candidate 1 |
application.envSecretKeys* |
See Secret Properties A colon-delimited list of mappings between “secret” properties (e.g. passwords) and environment variables used to pass them to Metacat. Passing secrets to Metacat via environment variables avoids having them in the properties file as plain text. |
application.deployDir |
The directory where Web applications are deployed. Usually, the value is a directory named “webapps” in the Tomcat installation directory. |
/usr/local/tomcat/webapps |
application.context |
The name of the Metacat application directory in the deployment directory. This corresponds to the first part of the WAR file name (the part before .war). Most commonly, this is “metacat”, but it can be changed to other things. |
knb |
index.context |
The name of the Metacat index webapp in the deployment directory. Most commonly, this is “metacat-index”, but it can be changed if needed. |
metacat-index |
ui.context |
The name of the Metacat UI directory in the deployment directory. Often the UI is deployed as the ROOT webapp, in which case the property should be blank (“”). |
metacatui |
application.default-style |
A custom Metacat Web skin usually associated with an organizational theme. If your organization has no custom skin, leave the value as “default”. |
default |
application.sitePropertiesDir |
The directory in which to store the Default Value: /var/metacat/config |
/var/metacat/config |
storage.hashstore.rootDirectory |
This directory was introduced in version 3.1.0, to replace the obsoleted data and documents directories. It should be set to the full path of the root directory for the new object storage location. This directory should be outside the Metacat installation directories so the objects will not be lost when Metacat is upgraded. This directory must be writable by the user that starts Tomcat (and thus Metacat). Default Value: /var/metacat/hashstore |
/var/metacat/hashstore |
application.datafilepath |
The directory where data files were stored in Metacat versions prior to v3.1.0 (now obsolete). It can be ignored if this is a new fresh installation. If it is an update, you should use the value that the previous Metacat instance used. The data directory must be writable by the user that starts Tomcat (and thus Metacat) Default Value: /var/metacat/data |
/var/metacat/data |
application.inlinedatafilepath |
The directory where inline data files were stored in Metacat versions prior to v3.1.0 (now obsolete). It can be ignored if this is a new fresh installation. If it is an update, you should use the value that the previous Metacat instance used. Inline data files are created from data that is embedded in EML metadata. The directory must be writable by the user that starts Tomcat (and thus Metacat) Default Value: /var/metacat/inline-data |
/var/metacat/inline-data |
application.documentfilepath |
The directory where metadata files were stored in Metacat versions prior to v3.1.0 (now obsolete). It can be ignored if this is a new fresh installation. If it is an update, you should use the value that the previous Metacat instance used. The directory must be writable by the user that starts Tomcat (and thus Metacat) Default Value: /var/metacat/documents |
/var/metacat/documents |
application.tempDir |
The directory where the Metacat data registry stores temporary
files. The directory should not be the same as |
/var/metacat/temporary |
cn.server.publiccert.filename |
The location(s) of one or more certificate files containing public keys that will be used to verify incoming request auth (JWT) tokens, in addition to verifying them against the configured CN server. Multiple paths should be delimited by semicolons (;) Default Value: (empty: only cn is used for token verification) |
dataone.nodeToken.file |
The path to a file that contains an authentication token. This token will be used by the dataone-indexer, to enable indexing of private datasets. Default Value: /var/metacat/certs/token |
Metacat’s Solr properties are described below. Properties that can only
be edited manually in the
file are marked with an asterisk (*). All
others are managed with the properties configuration utility.
Property |
Description |
Example |
solr.baseURL |
The URL of the Solr server which Metacat can access. |
solr.homeDir |
The Solr home directory (not to be confused with the Solr installation directory) is where Solr manages core directories with index files. The directory must be writable by the user that starts the Solr service. |
/var/metacat/solr-home2 |
solr.coreName |
The name of the Solr core which holds the index of the Metacat objects. |
metacat-index |
solr.env.script.path |
An environment specific include file overrides defaults used by the bin/solr script. Metacat modifies this file to add the solr.home as the default data directory. This file should be writable by the Tomcat user. |
/etc/default/ |
Metacat’s database properties are described next. Properties that can only be
edited manually in the
file are marked with an asterisk (*). All others
are managed with the properties configuration utility.
Property |
Description |
Example |
database.connectionURI |
The JDBC connection URI for the main database instance of Metacat.
The URI is formatted like this:
Default Value: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/metacat |
database.user |
The user for the main database instance of Metacat. The user must have already been created on the database. |
metacat-user |
database.password |
The password of the user for the main database instance of Metacat. The password must have already been created for the user. |
securepassword4843 |
database.type |
The type of database you are running. Currently, there are two supported types, Oracle and Postgres. Default Value: postgres |
postgres |
database.driver |
The JDBC driver to be used to access the main database instance of Metacat. There is one driver associated with each type of database. Default Value: org.postgresql.Driver |
org.postgresql.Driver |
database.adapter |
The adapter class that allows Metacat to access your database type. There is one adapter associated with each type of database. Default Value: edu.ucsb.nceas.dbadapter.PostgresqlAdapter |
edu.ucsb.nceas.dbadapter.PostgresqlAdapter |
database.scriptsuffix.<database_type> |
The script suffix tells the system which database scripts to run (postgres or oracle) when installing or updating database schema. Default Values: database.scriptsuffix.postgres=postgres.sql |
postgres.sql |
database.upgradeVersion.<database_version> |
Which database scripts to run when updating database schema. There is a database.upgradeVersion entry for every Metacat database schema version. Each schema version corresponds to an application version. Default Values: database.upgradeVersion.0.0.0=xmltables,loaddtdschema database.upgradeVersion.1.2.0=upgrade-db-to-1.2 database.upgradeVersion.1.3.0=upgrade-db-to-1.3 database.upgradeVersion.1.4.0=upgrade-db-to-1.4 database.upgradeVersion.1.5.0=upgrade-db-to-1.5 database.upgradeVersion.1.6.0=upgrade-db-to-1.6 database.upgradeVersion.1.7.0=upgrade-db-to-1.7 database.upgradeVersion.1.8.0=upgrade-db-to-1.8 database.upgradeVersion.1.9.0=upgrade-db-to-1.9 database.upgradeVersion.2.0.0=upgrade-db-to-2.0 |
upgrade-db-to-1.2 |
database.initialConnections* |
The number of initial connection that Metacat creates to the database. Default Value: 5 |
5 |
database.incrementConnections* |
The number of connections Metacat creates when it requires more connections. Default Value: 5 |
5 |
database.maximumConnections* |
The maximum number of database connections Metacat can make. Default Value: 200 |
25 |
database.maximumConnectionAge* |
The maximum time in milliseconds that a database connection can live. Default Value: 120000 |
120000 |
database.maximumConnectionTime* |
The maximum time in milliseconds that a database connection can accumulate in actual connection time. Default Value: 60000 |
60000 |
database.maximumUsageNumber* |
The maximum number of times a single connection can be used. Default Value: 100 |
100 |
database.numberOfIndexingThreads* |
The number of threads available for indexing. Default Value: 5 |
5 |
database.indexingTimerTaskTime* |
The time in milliseconds between indexing. Default Value: 604800000 |
604800000 |
database.indexingInitialDelay* |
The delay in milliseconds before first indexing is executed. Default Value: 3600000 |
3600000 |
database.maximumIndexDelay* |
The time in milliseconds that an indexing thread will wait when it can’t get a doc id before retrying the indexing. Default Value: 5000 |
5000 |
database.runDBConnectionRecycleThread* |
Determines whether the database connection pool should run a thread to recycle connections. Possible values are “on” and “off” Default Value: off |
off |
database.cycleTimeOfDBConnection* |
The time in milliseconds between connection recycling runs. Default Value: 30000 |
30000 |
database.webResultsetSize* |
Determines the number of results that can be returned to a Web browser from a query. Default Value: 7000 |
7000 |
Metacat’s XML/EML properties are described below. These properties can only be
edited manually in the
Property |
Description |
Example |
xml.saxparser |
The SAX parser used to parse XML documents. Metacat requires a SAX2-compatible XML parser. Default Value: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser |
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser |
xml.eml2_0_0namespace |
The namespace of EML 2.0.0 documents. Default Value: eml:// |
eml:// |
xml.eml2_0_1namespace |
The namespace of EML 2.0.1 documents. Default Value: eml:// |
eml:// |
xml.eml2_1_0namespace |
The namespace of EML 2.1.0 documents. Default Value: eml:// |
eml:// |
xml.packagedoctype |
The doctype of a package file. The system will only recognize documents of this type as package files. See: package documentation. Default Value: -// |
-// -// |
xml.accessdoctype |
The doctype of an access control list (ACL) file. The system will only recognize documents of this type as access files. See: access control documentation. Default Value: -// |
-// -// |
The EZID service assigning Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) is included in the Metacat service.
Property |
Description |
Example |
guid.ezid.enabled |
The enabled status of the EZID service |
true |
guid.ezid.username |
A registered user name in the EZID service |
apitest |
guid.ezid.password |
The password for the user name |
guid.ezid.baseurl |
The base ulr of the specified EZID service |
guid.ezid.doishoulder.1 |
The DOI shoulder associated with the EZId account |
doi:10.5072/FK2 |
Metacat automatically generates sitemaps for all all publicly-readable datasets and stores them in the sitemaps subdirectory under Metacat’s deployment directory.
Property |
Description |
Example |
sitemap.enabled |
Whether or not sitemaps are enabled. |
true |
sitemap.interval |
The interval, in milliseconds, between rebuilding the sitemap(s). |
86400000 (24hrs) |
sitemap.location.base |
Base part of the URLs for the location of the sitemap files and the sitemap. index. Either full URL or absolute path. Trailing slash optional. |
sitemap.entry.base |
Base part of the URLs for the location entries in the sitemaps. Either full URL or absolute path. Trailing slash optional. |
Additional configuration properties are described below, though there are many more that can be manually edited in the properties file directly. Properties that can only be
edited manually in the
file are marked with an asterisk (*). All others are managed with the properties configuration utility.
Property |
Description |
Example |
plugin.handlers |
Implementations of the plugin interface: edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.plugin.MetacatHandlerPlugin can be listed Default Value: blank |
org.example.CustomActionHandler |
event.log.deny.ipaddress* |
A list of IP addresses whose actions will not be logged when Metacat records Previously property name: event.log.blacklist.ipaddress |; |
event.log.deny.subject* |
A list of subjects (strings) whose actions will not be logged when Metacat records events/logs in the db. Previous property name: event.log.blacklist.subject |
bbelcher; |